In Marrakech, there is a CARREFOUR Supermarket a 5-10 minutes walk from our Riad.
There are several other supermarkets nearby, but word on the street is that this one should have alcohol for sale.
Breakfast is included in our stay, but we may want snacks and drinks for afternoon siesta.
We have use of the riad kitchen during the day, and being Ramadan it is likely that we will want to use them.
Don't forget that if wanting to buy alcohol a passport is required to prove you are not Moroccan.
Below are some sample prices for various beverages and snacks.
Current Exchange Rate:
$1 AUD = 7.3 Moroccan Dirham
10 Dhs = $1.36 AUD
Here is a live currency converter:
And if you would like to see the price of something that is not listed here let me know and I will do my best to track it down for you.