TRAIN - Basic info:
Distance - 308 kms
Travel time - approx 4 to 5 hours, depending on route
Train fare - 1st class is 164 dhs (approx AUD $22) per person
Buying tickets - cannot buy until we get there, don't usually sell out
There may be more trains/different times during Ramadan
for more info on the train conditions see: Marrakesh to Rabat
The fastest option is to change trains in the town of Sidi Kacem, however when doing this there is always a small risk involved, of missing your connection.
The departure times below are based on direct services, where changing trains is not required
As we are travelling during Ramadan it is important to be aware that the usual on-board food and beverage services will not be operating during the day - ergo, we must bring our own drinks and snacks with us for the 4-5 hour journey.
Depart 8.05am - Arrive 2.05pm
Depart 9.55am - Arrive 3.15pm
*Please note that the exact schedules for May 2017 have not yet been released and may not be until 6-8 weeks prior to travel. If different or additional trains become available the times above will be adjusted to reflect this.