Train from Rabat to Fes
Basic info:
Distance - 227 kms
Travel time - approx 3 hours
Train fare - 1st class is 127 dhs (approx AUD $17) per person
Buying tickets - cannot buy until we get there, don't usually sell out
for more info on the train conditions see: Marrakesh to Rabat
Important Info:
As we are travelling during Ramadan it is important to be aware that the usual on-board food and beverage services will not be operating during the day - ergo, we must bring our own drinks and snacks with us for the 4 hour journey.
Train times:
Depart 10.07am - Arrive 12.40pm
Depart 11.12am - Arrive 2.20pm
Depart 12.10pm - Arrive 2.43pm